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实用词汇 25th August 2016

[实用词汇] 25th August 2016 课本中学不到的日常生活口语


Screw up 拧紧螺丝,[口] 把事情搞砸

  • Screw n.螺丝 v. 拧紧(螺丝)
  • if you screw something up that means you cause something to fail or be spolied
  • screw something up (or) screw up something 搞砸某事
  • Get out ! Haven’t you screw things up enough already you idiot ? 难道你把事情弄得还不够糟糕,你个白痴?
  • i have a perfect chance but i screwed up. 我本有也一个很好的机会,但是搞砸了.
  • 答应朋友做某事但是没做成Sorry,i screwed up.抱歉我搞砸了。
    Fine line 表达两件事很相似(区别微小)
  • fine adj.好;精小的,细小的
  • There is a fine line between helping you kids with their homework and doing it for them.帮助小孩子做作业和直接代劳差别不大。
  • There is a fine line between sth and sth
  • There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance.自信与自负拆别细微
    Go easy on me 手下留情,别太狠
  • go easy on 温和对待,有节制的消费
  • go easy on someone 对某人手下留情
  • go easy on sth 有节制的消费
  • Go easy on me i just started to learn it a month ago 手下留情,我才开始学一个月。
  • Go easy on that boy he didn’t know he was doing anything wrong . 对那个男孩宽容点,他不知道自己做错了什么。
  • Have a good party and go easy on that Marigarita 享受你的聚会,但是不要喝太多的玛格丽特(一种20多度的鸡尾酒cocktail)
  • Go easy on afternoon coffee intake .下午不要喝太多咖啡.

write by lancecong

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